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White Rice Foundation

Picture showing Father Hieu with children laughing

About Us

We are a non-profit private foundation that specializes in helping small non-profit overseas charitable organizations raise money to carry out important work to improve the lives of the poor, distressed, and underprivileged. We find organisations that are doing high-value charitable work, need help fundraising, and who also have low overhead expenses. Many overseas organizations are doing high-value charitable work but lack the infrastructure to raise funds in the United States.  It is important to us to keep overhead costs to a minimum. We are run by volunteers who do not take any reimbursement for expenses incurred while supporting the foundation and our BOD members donate the money necessary to cover all administrative expenses except banking fees.

Children Waiting In Line

Feed Children

This campaign focuses on feeding children in central Vietnam. We help sponsor several different locations where children in high-needs areas are provided with daily meals.

Sitting in Aron's House

Build Houses

Having adequate housing has a massive effect on the quality of people’s lives. A leaky roof or inadequate walls provide little shelter against the elements. It takes less than $2,000 USD (40 million VND) to provide a family with the gift of a house.

Education Kid

Sponsor Education

$1 per day can change a child’s life forever by ensuring they are able to go to school, aren’t distracted by hunger, and have all the tools necessary to succeed in life.

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Donations taken from this page will go into our general fund where we will determine where the greatest need is and send the money there. As with all donations to White Rice Foundation, we will not use any of your donation to cover advertising, travel, or non-administrative banking fees.

If you would like to donate to a specific campaign, please go to our Campaigns Page, click on a specific campaign, and then use the donation form at the bottom of the campaign’s page.

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Donation Total: $30.00 One Time