We have been posting on Facebook instead of our blog but thought we would try this for a change to see how it worked. On our last Facebook post, several people asked me if they could donate to the cause so I assume they didn’t see the donation link at the bottom of the post. Hopefully posting on our website will fix that because we have a Donation Section on the bottom of our homepage. Enough about that though, let’s give an update on what has been going on in our latest project in Vietnam.

In case you missed the Facebook post on this family, the last time we were in Vietnam, Father Hieu found a family with the help of some local nuns that is in need of our assistance. This family of eleven is made of a devoted husband and wife with nine children. The wife stays at home with the children, and the husband works when he can find work as a day laborer. Our goal is to build them a house, which will cost about $5,000. A generous donor has already agreed to fund half of the project, and we are working to fund the other half.

Click here to see a map of where the family is living.

We have some exciting new updates to this story. As you can see in the picture, the land has been cleared for the new house.

In addition, the husband and his friends have almost finished digging a well to provide water to the home. Previously, they were having to walk quite a ways to get clean water. There is a small ditch next to the house that has water, but it is not clean enough to drink. So far the hole is about 10 feet deep and they have struck water, so it won’t be long until they have an operational well.

We are in our final stretch of fundraising for this family, so if you would like to donate, please go to the bottom of our homepage, or use the form below.

Donations taken from this page will go into our general fund where we will determine where the greatest need is and send the money there. As with all donations to White Rice Foundation, we will not use any of your donation to cover advertising, travel, or non-administrative banking fees.

If you would like to donate to a specific campaign, please go to our Campaigns Page, click on a specific campaign, and then use the donation form at the bottom of the campaign’s page.

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Donation Total: $30.00 One Time

Categories: Uncategorized


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